Girls screaming sound effects
Girls screaming sound effects

girls screaming sound effects girls screaming sound effects

:: Eddie Ndopu interviewed by Melissa Fleming He talks about his big dream: to be the first physically disabled person in outer space and to address the UN from there. And I still want to be of service to humanity and the world.”Įddie Ndopu is an award-winning disability activist from South Africa and one of 17 UN advocates for the SDGs. Diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy and given only 5 years to live, he is now 30 and has dedicated his life to ensure that the voices of those at greatest risk of being left behind are being amplified and heard worldwide.Įddie recounts his difficult daily challenges, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how his mother sacrificed so much to make his life possible. I still have my mind and I still have a deep desire and yearning for an extraordinary life. “When I could no longer pursue the dream of being an artist because my hands became too weak to hold a pencil, I needed a new dream that is, in itself, a gift to be able to change direction and ask yourself, what else? That I still have my spirit. :: Ingrid Macdonald interviewed by Melissa Fleming In this episode, she talks about the challenges she faced in many of her roles and her vivid memories of trying to advocate for the vulnerable, including her time helping women in Afghanistan. Since relocating to Sarajevo in early 2020, just as COVID-19 was taking hold across the world, Ingrid has been focused on finding ways to bring divided communities together as well as tackle hate speech and genocide denial, just 26 years after Bosnian Serb forces massacred 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica. Ingrid, who was raised in a small New Zealand mining town, has a long record of working in humanitarian, development and human rights jobs around the world.

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Ingrid Macdonald is the UN Resident Coordinator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is tasked with spearheading the UN’s efforts to support development in a country still deeply scarred by ethnic divisions and the legacy of war and the 1995 genocide at Srebrenica. "We know that whenever you have these sort of atrocity crimes that happened here , they're often preceded by hate." :: David Gressly interviewed by Melissa Fleming During this eye-opening conversation, David shares his concerns about the dire situation in Yemen and the likelihood of being able to sustain the humanitarian response in the year ahead. As David explains, every three days someone is injured or even killed by landmines or unexploded ordnance. But it’s not just conflict that threatens the Yemeni people. With more than 20 million people in need of assistance and a seven-year ongoing war, Yemen is among the world's worst humanitarian crises. In this episode, he talks with podcast host Melissa Fleming about what has driven him to devote his life to helping the most vulnerable in some of the most fragile places on earth. UN Humanitarian Coordinator and Resident Coordinator for Yemen David Gressly has seen some of the worst of man's inhumanity to man during a career of more than 40 years in peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and development. The best way I found to deal with that is just to be determined to fix it in some fashion.” :: Maria Van Kerkhove interviewed by Melissa Fleming So, for him, that was really scary,” she says.

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People were scared, there was an ominous nature about it and he thought I wasn't coming home. You know, it was this mysterious new virus. So, he thought I wasn't coming home and I think everything changed for him. “When I went to China in February 2020… he was really scared. Maria also talks about what, throughout the entire pandemic, motivates her every day to get out of bed and care for others, at the expense of her family life. In this personal and insightful episode, Maria shares her memories of the first moment she became aware of COVID-19 – before most of the world knew it existed – and then she takes us behind the scenes of WHO’s early steps to tackle the crisis. What is a day like in the life of the epidemiologist heading the global response to COVID-19?įor the past 21 months, WHO COVID-19 Technical Lead Maria Van Kerkhove has been working around the clock with thousands of scientists to try to keep all of us safe.

Girls screaming sound effects