See Document ID: 214371 for more information.
If you are attempting to use an eSATA connection with a GoFlex drive, make sure it is a powered eSATA port.Connect the drive using both plugs of the Y-cable to provide maximum power. Some USB-only drives connect via a "Y-cable", such as that seen in Document ID: 205479.Replace the USB cable with a new or known-good cable.If you are using a desktop computer, connect the drive to a USB port on the rear of the computer.It may not beep when connected via a different USB port. Try connecting the drive in different USB ports on your computer.Remove the drive from any USB hub in which it may be connected.If the drive is also not detected, please use one of our external drive troubleshooters to try to get it detected.
Most beeping occurs with USB-powered drives, which do not have a separate power adapter. Even if your drive has never beeped before, sometimes drives can require a little more power as they age, and this can cause them to beep when connected. When an external drive beeps, this can be due to insufficient electrical power. Seagate recommends you replace the drive in that case. If it fails the test, the noise may be due to a mechanical problem or something similar. If you are concerned about the noise your drive is making, please test it with SeaTools. Also, some drives occasionally run off-line scans, resulting in similar sounds even when the drive is not actively reading or writing. It is also normal for the drive to make sort of a "chattering" or "clicking" sound while it is reading and writing data. Most drives do not make noise that is audible to most people, but there are a few exceptions. Normally, the faster the drive motor spins, the higher-pitched the resulting sound will be, and there is a greater chance of a low hum. While modern drives are extremely quiet, every disk drive makes a certain amount of noise while running. Seagate does not have a utility that can reduce most ambient hard drive noise. Seagate does not have a utility that can reduce most ambient hard drive noise.